Dish TV Customer care Number

Dish TV Customer care Number

Dish TV has provided many options to contact them. you can contact them via phone, sms, email, WhatsApp or even through their app

📱 Dish TV Customer Care – 18002583474
  95017-95017 (Local Call charges apply) 

✉  SMS CALL ME to 57575 from your Registered Mobile Number and Dish TV will call you back. 

📲 Missed call:- You can also give a missed call on 1800-270-0300 and Dish Tv will get back to you within the next 24 hours. 
😁  whatsapp   Get your Dish Tv account related updates on WhatsApp as well. Give a missed call at 1800-315-7878 
Email   Click Here to send an Email to Dishv Tv 

Website login  DishTV Login – My Account
1800 258 3474 (Toll Free)
1800 274 9050 (3 days extra recharge - By missed call)
1800 270 2102 (101/102 Error on TV- By missed call)
(1800-568-XXXX - Activate a Channel - By missed call)
1800 270 0096 (Order - By missed call)
1800 315 7004 (Order - By missed call)
1860-258-3474 (Customer Care Number)
1860-120-3474 (Customer Care Number)
95017-95017 (local call charges apply)
87506-87506 (Offers -By missed call)
87503-87503 (Account Information -By missed call)
CALL to 57575 (SMS Format)

Mobile shortcuts and tricks to contact dishtv and resolve issues

Activate a channel

Just dial 1800-568-*****
change ***** with channel number for 3 digit channels, prefix “0” before channel number and wait 15 minutes for activation.

Latest Offersonly for Dish Tv usercall 87506-87506
Get information about customized offers exclusively available for your account, via SMS.

Pay Later Servicecall 1800-274-9050
Enjoy 3 extra days of TV viewing. Charges for 3 days and a service charge of Rs.10 will be adjusted in your next recharge.

Account informationdial 87503-87503
Get a message with your account related information like balance, switch-off date & recharge amount etc. on your registered mobile number.

101/102 Error on TVcall 1800-270-2102
Services didn’t resume after recharge or not able to watch subscribed channels? Give a missed call and leave your box ON for 15 minutes.

tags :- dishtv customer care, dish tv customer service number, dish tv call me, dish tv login, zing tv customer care number, airtel dish tv customer care toll free number, dish tv customer care number kottayam, dish tv packages, dish tv recharge


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